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The end of summer

The brief Hokkaido summer is already beginning to fade away and the chilling tendrils of a brief autumn and enveloping winter are creeping ever closer. The days are getting to be a bit cooler and it won't be much longer before it is time to get out the warmer blankets for sleeping. This was my first Hokkaido summer, and it went by all too fast.

I really enjoyed last winter, and I am looking forward to another, but there are some things that just can't be done with so much snow on the ground. We'll miss our hiking and camping, barbecues and picnics. The thing I will miss the most is just the longer daylight hours. In just a few more weeks it will be dark by the time I get home and won't begin getting light until just before I am on my way to work the next morning.

Hopefully we still have a bit of summer left to go, and we can get in our last great barbecues. That way we will some some warm stories to remember on the long, cold Hokkaido nights.

2009-09-09 10:33  nice!(0)  コメント(0)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 0

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